The Short Report: September 4, 2024

Research Money
September 4, 2024

No correlation between capital gains taxes and Canadian businesses’ investment and innovation, international students not to blame for Canada’s housing crisis, federal cap on international students is already having major negative impacts, Quebec limits temporary foreign workers and international students, prioritize Canada’s immigration system to maximize GDP per capita, C.D. Howe Institute says, and more.

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Organizations: 2 Spirits in Motion Society, 4VI, Aalo Atomics, Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services, Agilysys, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Alberta LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce, Andgo Systems Inc., Arca Climate Technologies, Arize AI, Aunty Collective, Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association, Banff Pride Society, BC Hydro, Beaver Hills Biosphere Reserve Association, Benevity, Inc., Bitfarms, Book4Time, Borealis Biosciences, Bow Valley Chamber of Commerce, Bras d’Or Lake Biosphere Region Association, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, Byler Enterprises Ltd., C.D. Howe Institute, Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions, Canada Revenue Agency, Canadian Biosphere Regions Association, Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, Canadian Space Agency, Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association, Canadian Venture Capital & Private Equity Association, Cardata, Carleton University, Carta, Centre de conservation de la nature Mont Saint-Hilaire (Connexion Nature), Centre for Future Work, Chambre de commerce LGBT du Québec, Chroma NB, City of Sarnia, Clayoquot Biosphere Trust Society, Clean Energy Canada, CMC Microsystems, Colleges & Institutes Canada, Colleges Ontario, Comité de la zone d’intervention prioritaire du lac Saint-Pierre, Comité FrancoQueer de l’Ouest, Community Futures British Columbia, Constellation Brands, Convictional, Corporation de la réserve de la biosphère de Charlevoix, Council of Canadian Innovators, Creative Coast BC, Délı̨nę Got’ı̨nę Government, Dow, EarthDaily Analytics, Edge Automation Inc.,, eHUB Entrepreneurship Centre, Electra Battery Materials Corporation, Electricity Canada, Emballages Façoteck, Énercycle, Energy Plug Technologies Corp., Environment and Climate Change Canada, Environmental Defence, Envision Saint John, Eurasian Resources Group, European Space Agency, EVLO Energy Storage Inc., Evol, Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, Fédération des aînés et des retraités francophones de l’Ontario, Finance Canada, First Nations Health Authority, First Nations Technology Institute, Fondation Émergence, Ford Motor Company, FortisBC Energy Inc., FPInnovations, FrancoQueer, Fraser Institute, Frontenac Arch Biosphere Network, Fundy Biosphere Initiative Inc., Fusion Saint John, Fyrefly Institute for Gender and Sexual Diversity, Georgian Bay Biosphere Inc., Givex Corp., Glencore, Government of Alberta, Government of Australia, Government of British Columbia, Government of Canada, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Government of Ontario, Government of Quebec, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada, Howe Sound Biosphere Region Initiative Society, Hydro-Québec, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Impact ON, Indigenous Manufacturing and Contracting Network Inc., InfinityQ Technology Inc., Inner City Health Associates, Innovate BC, Innovation, Science and Economic Development, Investissement Quebec, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, l'Institut de recherche et d’informations socioéconomiques, Les Chevronné.e.s, LG Energy Solution, Linde, Long Point World Biosphere Reserve Foundation, Malahat Battery Technologies Limited Partnership, Malahat Nation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, McConnell Foundation, McMaster University, MéridaLabs, Modern Dropship, MTO Metal Products Ltd., Muhammad Ali Center, My01, myCEO, MySpatial, Natural Resources Canada, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, New Horizon Aircraft, New-Form Tools Ltd., Observatoire régional de recherche sur la forêt boréale, Parallèle Alberta, Patrick McDonald, Peace Valley Landowner Association, Pictou County Partnership, Pictou County Pride, Plenty Canada, Prairies Economic Development Canada, Prophet River First Nation, Public Health Agency of Canada, PYMNTS, QueerTech, Redberry Lake Biosphere Region, Reliant AI, Réserve mondiale de la biosphère Manicouagan-Uapishka, Riding Mountain Biosphere Reserve Inc., Riot Platforms, Roden Manufacturing, Roelofsen Nursery, Sagard Holdings, Saskarc Inc., SASKQUEER Entrepreneurs + Professionals, SBQuantum, Securities and Exchange Commission, Sernova Corp., Shift4 Payments Inc., Sinistar Inc., Social Entrepreneurship Enclave, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Société de développement économique de la Colombie-Britannique, Solmaz Foods, Solutions Beeye Inc., Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve Association, Sovereign Seeds, Spindle Films Foundation, St. Paul’s Foundation of Vancouver, Stantec, Stathera, Stocksy, Stronghold Digital, Tally, The Old School House Arts Centre, Tmrw, Tradeline Products Inc., Trans Mountain Corporation, Tribe Network, Tribe Ventures, U. S. National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, UE Enclosures, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Universities Australia, University of Alberta, University of British Columbia, University of Lubumbashi, University of Saskatchewan, University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, UPlift Black, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization, Vancouver Island University’s Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute, Viggle AI, VulcanX Energy Corp., Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association, West Moberly First Nations, Western University, WeWork, World Trade Organization, and YouSet
People: Alexandra Lutchman, Anita Cicero, Ari Ramdial, Chris Grouchy, Christopher Maloof, Christopher Worswick, Christy Clark, Chrystia Freeland, Cynthia Pussinen, David Lloyd, Dawn Farrell, Dr. Alkim Karaagac, PhD, Dr. Jim Stanford, PhD, Dr. Rusty Gage, PhD, Dr. Steve Shirtliffe, PhD, Dr. Xulin Guo, PhD, Francis Bradley, Haywood Marsh, Janne Rabinowicz, Jason Lopatecki, Jill Dunlop, Joanna Kyriazis, John Horgan, Jonathan Rigby, Justin Ladha, Kelly Schmitt, Lianna Genovese, Marc Bellemare, Mark Maki, Marketa Evans, Matt Loszak, Matthew Doyle, Michael Davies, Mikal Skuterud, Neil Thompson, Pari Johnston, Parinaz Sobhani, Phillip Yoon, Pierre Fitzgibbon, Raquel Urtasun, Sanja Fidler, Sheret Ross, Steffi Lemke, Stephen Legault, Tom Brassington, Trace Cohen, Vito Culmone, William (Bill) Downe, and Yan Boucher
Topics: Australia cap on international students, federal Clean Electricity Regulations, federal tariff on Chinese EVs, Germany's greenhouse gas emissions-reduction scandal, impact of capital gains tax on Canadian business investment and innovation, impact of federal cap on international students, international students and Canada's housing crisis, Ontario moratorium on colleges offering postsecondary programming, organic waste recovery, priortizing immigration system to maximize GDO per capita in Canada, and Quebec limit on temporary foreign workers and international students

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