R$ Team

At Research Money, we pride ourselves on providing our network of policymakers, researchers, analysts, entrepreneurs and investors with relevant and trustworthy coverage of the science, technology, innovation, and policy (STIP) ecosystem in Canada, with a focus on policies, collaborations and funding. As the go-to source for Canadian STIP news, our qualified team is committed to ensuring that Canadian government agencies and granting organizations remain transparent and accountable for their funding decisions. Over the past three decades, our publication has grown and adapted, but our mission has stayed the same: provide education, provoke discussion and promote good decision-making in Canada’s innovation economy.

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Business Team

Jeffrey Crelinsten
Publisher & CEO

Danielle Burns
Project Manager

Jacqueline Robins

Kayla Shenassa

Editorial Team

Mark Lowey
Managing Editor

Peter Josty

Tim Lougheed
Past Managing Editor

Leah Geller
Editorial Advisor

Elsie Ross
Editorial Advisor

Monte Stewart
Editorial Advisor

Paul Dufour
Editorial Advisor

Research Money

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