

"Bouchard" report, barriers to commercial development of university research, better protecting Canadian IP under Investment Canada Act, Canada's National Quantum Strategy, Canada's policies on foreign direct investment, Canada's problems with managing and protecting intellectual property, Canadian university IP going to foreign companies, CICan's partnership program between colleges and businesses, corporate R&D funding in Canada , cost of filing patents, decline in patent applications in Canada , federal procurement to support IP, fragmentation of post-secondary technology transfer offices, high cost of acquiring and protecting IP, intangible assets in Canada's economy, Investment Canada Act, IP education and training, lack of commercial development in key Canadian sectors, low levels of venture capital in Canada , National Research Advisory Committee for Colleges and Institutes Canada , National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships, need for greater IP expertise in Canada , need to increase funding of IP programs, NRC's Industrial Research Assistance Program, Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy, proportion of GDP spent on R&D in Canada , Quebec Research and Innovation Strategy (SQRI), Quebec's support of IP and commercialization, R&D by Canada's post-secondary institutions, Sidewalk Toronto project, sovereign patent funds, Strategic Innovation Fund, Tri-council funding to universities vs. colleges, university patents transferred to Huawei, and use of patent boxes to encourage IP acquisition

Canada faces big problems with IP including national security risks: Parliamentary report

Mark Lowey
January 3, 2024

Canada’s problems with managing its intellectual property include national security risks, the high cost of IP, and lack of commercial development in key sectors, according to a Parliamentary report.

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