York Univ is using an award from the federal Post-Secondary Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) to undertake $113 million in upgrades to laboratories, a new business school building and energy efficiency enhancements on its Keele and Glendon campuses. The SIF is providing $40.8 million and the province is contributing $6.6 million, while York U provides $65 million. The lab upgrades will be done for the faculties of science and health and are expected to take two years. They include new technology, new space for industry-focused research programs and centres of excellence worth $48 million. The Schulich School of Business will receive a new $50-million, 6,200-sq-m facility linked to the existing building. The $2-billion SIF was unveiled in the 2016 Budget https://researchmoneyinc.com/articles/details-unveiled-for-2-billion-infrastructure-fund/
Organizations: | Post-Secondary Strategic Investment Fund, Schulich School of Business, and York University |