Ontario universities sign India agreements

Guest Contributor
February 5, 2007

Ontario universities and businesses signed a flurry of deals and MOUs with Indian counterparts as part of an official Ontario mission to India and Pakistan. MOUs for student and faculty exchanges and R&D initiatives were signed by McMaster Univ, York Univ, Univ of Waterloo, Ryerson Univ and Univ of Windsor. PCI Geomatics signed an MOU to develop a strategic partnership with Ramtech Corp to enhance Indian geocapacity. Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty led the two-country delegation. FMI: www.premier.gov.on.ca/ news/defau

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Organizations: McMaster Univ, PCI Geomatics, Ramtech Corp, Ryerson Univ, Univ of Waterloo, Univ of Windsor, and York Univ

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