NSERC announces 2011 Discovery Grants recipients

Guest Contributor
June 22, 2011

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) has finally announced the results of its 2011 Discovery Grants competition, which allocates $325.6 million in funding to 2,003 researchers. The success rates for the various categories of researchers and average grant sizes are: early-career (54%/$22,481), established researchers who held a grant (74%/$35.045) and established researchers not previously holding a grant (33%/$28,082). The competition was controversial when results were communicated to successful researchers earlier this year, primarily over the new binning system used by grant selection committees (R$, May 2/11). Public disclosure of full results were delayed due to the federal election. Also announced were the results of three scholarship programs: Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships ($40.5 million), NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships ($34.5 million) and Postdoctoral Fellowships ($10.6 million). A detailed breakdown of the results can be found on the Research Money web site....

FMI: Discovery Grants Statistics.pdf

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