“Brain drain” looms of Canada’s best and brightest talent: Ottawa Science Policy Network study

Mark Lowey
July 10, 2024

A significant “brain drain” of Canada’s brightest university graduates looms without targeted policies to stem the talent flow, says a study by the Ottawa Science Policy Network at the University of Ottawa.

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Other stories mentioning these organizations, people and topics
Organizations: Advisory Panel on the Federal Research Support System, Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars, Government of Canada, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Ottawa Science Policy Network, U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities, and University of Ottawa
People: Mercedes Rose, Michael Rowell, Senator Stan Kutchner, Stephen Holland, and Thomas Bailey
Topics: "Bouchard" report, "brain drain" of young talented researchers in Canada, Biochemistry and Cell Biology (journal), Canada's ranking among OECD countries in proportion of individuals with advanced degrees, Canada's ranking in OECD's talent attractiveness index, Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars’ 2020 Canadian National Postdoc Survey, drivers for Canadian graduates to remain in Canada, drivers of Canadian graduates moving abroad, erosion of Canada's post-secondary talent pool, factors in postdocs' decisions on whether to remain in Canada, federal Budget 2021, federal granting agencies support for graduate students, financial situation for postdoctoral researchers in Canada, financial struggle for Canadian graduate students a, impact of scarcity of highly qualified individuals on innovation, inadequate research funding in Canada, inadequate value of Ontario's graduate student scholarships, increased graduate student enrolments, insufficient federal funding for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, international students' financial struggles in Canada, lack of provincial investment in universities and colleges, lack of research-intensive jobs for graduates in Canada, mental health challenge for postdocs in Canada, migration of Canadian graduate students to other countries, PhD salaries in Canada compared with the U.S., postdoc salaries in Canada compared with the U.S., and stagnant funding for investigator-led research

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