Terrestrial Energy to contract with CNL

Guest Contributor
December 22, 2014

Terrestrial Energy Inc (TEI) has signed a letter of intent with Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) for services including R&D work to bring its Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR) technology to the engineering blueprint stage. TEI was formed in 2013 to commercialization IMSR technology for small modular reactors designed for use in remote communities and industrial operations. Its president and CEO is Dr David Leblanc, a former physics professor at Carleton Univ who founded Ottawa Valley Research Associates Ltd in 2008 to advance the technologies and file patents related to IMSR. CNL is the recently created subsidiary of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd and is responsible for the operations of all its facilities including Chalk River Laboratories (R$, November 12/14)….

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