Health research award winners announced

Guest Contributor
November 29, 2010

The 9th annual Canadian Health Research Awards have been jointly presented by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Prix Galien Canada. Prix Galien made its awards to Dr Julio Montaner (Univ of British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS) for ongoing innovation in the development and delivery of HIV treatment, and Janssen-Ortho for a new treatment for chronic moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. The CIHR awards were made in the following categories: Health Research of the Year - Dr Clyde Hertzman (Univ of British Columbia) for research into the role of childhood development in lifelong health; Premier Young Researcher Award - Dr David Hammond (Univ of Waterloo) for analysis of cigarette packaging design and how it can be used to either encourage or discourage smoking; CIHR Knowledge Translation Award - Dr Tofy Mussivand (Univ of Ottawa Heart Institute) leadership in the development of implantable artificial hearts, the development of standards for medical devices and creation of a successful medical device company; and, CIHR Partnership Award - Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project and McGill Univ for their efforts to improve physical activity levels and diet in aboriginal communities. The awards were presented in Ottawa on November 16th....

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