
Guest Contributor
March 29, 2012

Budget 2012 - New S&T Spending

($ millions)
Industrial Research Assistance Program110   110   220   
Industrial R&D Internship Program - MITACS7   7   14   
Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence12   12   24   
Forestry Innovation and Market Development Support55   50   105   
Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program   25   25   
National Research Council67      67   
Scientific Research & Experimental Development tax credits
   • Reduce Overhead Proxy Rate From 65% to 55%   -10   -10   
   • Remove the Profit Element from Arm's Length         
   • Contract Payments   -25   -25   
   • Canada Revenue Agency - SR&ED administration4   2   7   
Canadian Institutes of Health Research15   15   30   
Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council15   15   30   
Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council7   7   14   
Genome Canada10   50   60   
Canadian Depression Research & Intervention Network5      5   
McMaster University - Health Outcomes Research Project3   2   5   
Natural Resources Canada - Medical Isotope Supply7   10   17   
NRCan Satellite Station Facilities:
     reception & data transmission
8   16   23   
Canadian Institutes for Advanced Research5   5   10   
CANARIE20   20   40   
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited105   1   107   
Total454   312   767   
Less funds existing in the fiscal framework149   97   246   
Net fiscal cost306   215   521   
Note: Totals may not add due to rounding.

Notes: The Budget provided $500 million over five years to the Canada Foundation for Innovation. The funding will not begin to flow until FY14-15, beyond the time frame of the above chart

The Budget also announced $400 million to help boost private-sector, venture capital investment in early-stage risk capital and establish large scale private sector funds. It also reconfirmed an additional $100 million for the Business Development Bank of Canada for venture capital - a commitment first made in December/09.

Planned Reductions in Departmental Spending

($ millions)
Department/AgencyFY12-13   FY13-14   FY14.15   Ongoing   Review   
% of   
Agriculture and Agri-Food17.1   168.5   309.7   309.7   3,092.3   10.0   
Environment19.5   56.4   88.2   88.2   1,062.2   8.3   
Finance20.6   32.6   34.6   38.6   229.4   16.8   
Fisheries and Oceans3.8   13.4   79.3   79.3   1,360.1   5.8   
Foreign Affairs and
   International Trade
72.4   116.6   169.8   169.8   1,916.2   8.9   
Health111.7    218.5   309.9   309.9   4,811.7   6.4   
Heritage52.2   130.7   191.1   191.1   2,773.7   6.9   
Human Resources &
   Skills Development
10.6   64.7   286.7   286.7   7,589.8   3.8   
Industry89.2   182.7   217.3   217.3   3,454.4   6.3   
National Defence326.8   706.1   1,119.8   1,119.8   15,069.0   7.4   
Natural Resources68.3   86.0   108.3   108.3   1,079.6   10.0   
Public Safety179.4   370.7   687.9   687.9   6,940.6   9.9   
Public Works &
   Government Services
1.5   28.1   85.3   177.6   1,848.6   9.6   
Regional Development
26.7   73.4   86.9   86.9   996.2   8.7   
Transport63.4   97.2   152.6   152.6   1,428.8   10.7   
Total Savings1,472.1   3,061.2   5,141.5   5,235.7   75,348.1   6.9   

Planned reductions on S&T Spending

($ millions)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research15.0   30.0   30.0   30.0   
Canadian Space Agency7.9   24.7   29.5   29.5   
Industry Canada49.2   65.2   79.5   79.5   
National Research Council1.3   16.3   16.3   16.3   
Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council15.0   30.0   30.0   30.0   
Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council7.0   14.0   14.0   14.0   
Statistics Canada8.3   18.3   33.9   33.9   
International Development Research Centre6.2   15.3   23.0   23.0   

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