Semi-finalists chosen for flagship Clean Growth Program

Veronica Silva
July 16, 2018

Innovative technologies for Canada’s oilsands industry are well represented in the semi-finalists announced for Natural Resources Canada’s flagship Clean Growth Program. They are competing for a share of NRCan’s $155-million investment, aimed at advancing clean technology R&D and demonstration projects in energy, mining and forestry. Eleven oilsands-related technologies being developed by various companies and organizations made the shortlist of 103 semi-finalists, culled from more than 750 submissions. Technologies include enhancing bitumen recovery, increasing the efficiency and reducing the environmental footprint of oilsands mining, and reclaiming oilsands tailings ponds. Companies represented include Canadian Natural Resources Limited, Suncor Energy, Imperial Oil, Husky Energy and MEG Energy, along with InnoTech Alberta and technology developers ElecktroKinetic Solutions, CalAqua Innovations and Titanium Corporation. NRCan’s Clean Growth Program received $155 million of the $200 million set aside in Budget 2017 to encourage clean technology in the natural resource sectors. Another $45 million has been earmarked to support clean technology in the agriculture and fisheries sector. NRCan is looking for projects that cut greenhouse gases and air-polluting emissions, use energy efficiency, and reduce water use, waste and impacts on the landscape. Selected projects are expected to be announced in winter 2018.

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