The adoption of the latest strategic plan of the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) has been delayed until the Quebec provincial election slated for October 1. The FRQ, which comprises the three provincial granting agencies for health, nature and technologies and society and culture, completed its strategic plan for 2018-2022 earlier this year after it was approved by the Ministry of the Economy, Science and Innovation and the boards of directors for its three branches. Cabinet approval did not occur in time before it recessed for the provincial election. Quebec chief scientists Dr Rémi Quirion said in a recent message to the scientific community that he’s hopeful the new Cabinet will approve the plan by the end of 2018. FRQ received a 20% boost in the 2017 provincial Budget, increasing its funding by $180 million. The increase brings FRQ’s 2018-19 budget to $214.5 million.
Organizations: | Fonds de recherche du Québec and Quebec Ministry of the Economy Science and Innovation |
People: | Remi Quirion |