Funding taps from all sources tightening on higher education sector

Guest Contributor
October 31, 2011

Years of substantial increases to the R&D budgets of the higher education sector have ground to a halt with little prospect that the glory days of the late 1990s and early 2000s will return anytime soon. The latest firm data from Statistics Canada (FY09-10) show that federal support for higher education has stagnated and projected to remain relatively flat in FY10-11 and FY11-12.

In FY09-10, higher education received $11 billion from all sources, including $2.9 billion from the federal government, an increase of 0.8% over the previous year. That compares to an 11.2% jump enjoyed between FY03-04 and FY04-05.

Funding increases have eased from business ($4.1%) and foreign sources ($5.5%) while support has decreased from provincial (-5.8%) and private non-profit sources (-3.9%). Higher education self-funding has also slowed dramatically, totalling $5.1 billion in FY09-10, up just 1.3% from the previous year.

Overall, funding for natural sciences and engineering research increased 0.6% to $8.8 billion or 79.7% of the total. Social sciences and humanities support inched up 0.8% to $2.2 billion. As in past years, the majority of funding was directed to institutions in Ontario and Quebec (67%). The governments of Ontario, Quebec and Alberta are the biggest funders of higher ed R&D.


Higher Education R&D Expenditures - Source of Funds

($ millions)
Federal   Prov   Business   Higher   Non-profit   
YearGovt   Govt   Enterprise   Education   Orgs   Foreign   Total
1996-97 809.0   297.6   335.6   1,905.5   312.7   36.4   3,696.8
1997-98 792.7   369.9   381.0   1,971.5   324.5   39.5   3,879.1
1998-99 862.9   371.6   411.0   2,339.4   335.1   49.5   4,369.5
1999-00 1,084.6   482.2   460.3   2,648.8   349.2   56.6   5,081.7
2000-01 1,292.8   587.2   553.4   2,892.1   418.2   49.6   5,793.3
2001-02 1,586.8   712.0   603.3   2,928.9   509.1   84.1   6,424.2
2002-03 1,816.7   828.6   643.2   3,461.8   604.5   100.5   7,455.3
2003-04 2,181.7   1,018.1   679.1   3,589.3   599.4   75.8   8,143.3
2004-05 2,336.9   1,039.0   754.7   4,146.7   684.9   95.7   9,057.9
2005-06 2,542.4   973.3   803.3   4,340.9   742.0   116.3   9,518.2
2006-07 2,487.5   992.7   808.2   4,434.9   775.7   125.7   9,624.8
2007-08 2,720.2   1,034.0   870.1   4,574.1   889.7    99.1   10,187.3
2008-09 2,811.5   1,105.1   892.4   5,054.3   948.7   114.4   10,926.4
2009-10 2,888.8   1,041.5   929.3   5,120.8   911.9   120.7   11,013.0
Source: Statistics Canada 88.001-X

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