Feds invest $70 million in more agricultural science research

Mark Lowey
October 3, 2018

The federal government is investing $70 million over five years to hire approximately 75 agricultural scientists and equip them with state-of-the-art tools, including environmental sampling equipment and analytical instruments, needed to advance agricultural research. Of the $70 million, $44 million is dedicated to hiring the next generation of federal research scientists and science professionals. As part of the investment, Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, also announced a new “Living Laboratories Initiative,” which includes $10 million to support a nation-wide network of sites and integrated research projects. The projects will bring together farmers, scientists and other stakeholders to co-develop, test and monitor innovative practices and technologies on farms. The remaining $16 million will fund collaborative federal research projects focused on priority areas affecting the agriculture sector, including environmental. The government says the $70-million investment fulfills the commitment in Budget 2017 to support discovery science and innovation.

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