Exploring the “secret sauce” in Montreal’s recipe for an innovative gaming industry

Jacqueline Robins
April 24, 2024

The three Cs in the secret sauce of Montreal’s successful gaming industry are creativity, collaboration and culture, say researchers and industry leaders in the sector.

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Organizations: Behavior Interactive, Cirque du Soleil, Game Loft, Government of Quebec, HEC Montreal, Indie Asylum, La Guilde du jeu vidéo du Québec, ManaVoid Entertainment, National School of Theatre, Rotman School of Management, Ubisoft, University of Toronto, and Warner Brothers
People: Bernard Landry, Chris Chancey, Dr. Laurent Simon, PhD, and Dr. Richard Florida, PhD
Topics: “Montréalitude”, academic programs focused on game design and development, business practices in Montreal's gaming industry, collaboration in Montreal's gaming industry, cross-artistic engagement in Montreal, cultural connective tissue in Montreal, Industry and Innovation (journal), innovation in Montreal's gaming industry, learning to make video games at university, Montreal's artistic and cultural community, Montreal's density of artists, Montreal's gaming industry, Montreal's support of creative tech communities, multimedia ecosystem in Montreal, organizing innovation, people and culture in growing innovation, Quebec government support of gaming industry, Quebec government's Bill 96, Quebec's bilingualism and gaming industry, Quebec's francization and gaming industry, Quebec's linguistic diversity, Quebec's tax credits for gaming industry, Quebec's unique culture of solidarity, research on Montreal's gaming industry, role of anchor companies in Quebec's gaming industry, understanding innovation at the molecular level, and understanding innovation value chain

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