Editorial - 27-4

Guest Contributor
March 14, 2013

So how is federal support for research and development and innovation (RAI) holding up as the Conservative government struggles to meet its deficit elimination targets? The release late last month of the FY13-14 main spending estimates provides at least part of the answer and there appears to be room for cautious optimism.

While there are definitely winners (IPA) and losers (National Defense DRIC) among the departments and agencies devoted to RAI, the majority fall in the middle range with small increases or reductions on the books (see page 2).

For those engaged in research, the overall funding levels of the three grant-ing councils are projected to dip only slightly, although debate continues to rage over the increasing emphasis on targeted and/or "industry relevant" research.

And for a couple in particular, the estimates are somewhat mystifying. The Canadian Space Agency, for example, shows a dramatic upward spike of 24.4% to $488.7 million. But former COS president Steve MacLean said last December that the agency's budget would fall to $260 million by FY14-15.

The fate of RAI funding is all speculative prior to the next federal Budget, which is expected later this month. There is optimism in academic circles that the government may provide new funding to then granting councils, after years of increases that barely covered the rate of inflation. Apparently the government is pleased with their efforts to collaborate and reach out to new funding partners and is prepared to encourage their new directions. That would be good news indeed.

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