CRC licenses optical technology portfolio to LxSix

Guest Contributor
May 22, 2003

Montreal start-up LxSix Photonics Inc has signed a licensing agreement with Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC) to manufacture fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) in Canada, and to market the products worldwide. Developed at CRC’s lab in Ottawa, FBGs are recognized as the fourth major discovery in optical communications, following the invention of optical fibres, lasers and optical amplifiers. They have also been the largest licensing revenue source for the government lab, generating more than $3 million to date. The agreement with LxSix incorporates the combined patents of CRC and its cross-licence partner, United Technologies Corp. LxSix has developed an advanced laser processing technology that enables mass production and automation of optical components, namely Bragg gratings....

TrueContext wins $1.5M from CANARIE E-biz fund

TrueContext Corp, Ottawa, will receive $1.5 million from CANARIE to build an advanced software platform aimed at accelerating the adoption of e-business among small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The technology will help organizations with large numbers of mobile workers control how content is managed, shared and distributed to and from mobile devices outside the enterprise firewall. For example, a user could make changes to a document on a mobile device and send an updated copy to colleagues instantly. Funded by Industry Canada, CANARIE’s $28-million e-business program focuses on developing solutions that make it easy and affordable for SMEs to adopt web-based applications.

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