Canada fares well on Wireless Fast 50 ranking

Guest Contributor
November 12, 2007

Canada placed 14 companies on the inaugural Deloitte & Touche Wireless Fast 50 ranking, including six from the Ottawa region. BTI Systems Inc, Ottawa, and Tira Wireless Inc, Toronto, tied for 4th position with five-year growth rates of more than 16,000%. Rounding out the top 10 is MyThum Interactive Inc (Toronto/#6). Other notable rankings include SiGi Semiconductor Inc (Ottawa/#14), WebTech Wireless Inc (Burnaby/#17) and Redline Communications Inc (Toronto/#18). The Wireless Fast 50 is a subset of Deloitte & Touche's Technology Fast 500 ranking. Canada placed 42 firms on the list compared to 56 in 2006. The highest placed Canadian firm was ViXS Systems Inc, Toronto at #26. SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc topped both the Fast 500 and Wireless 50 ranking....

NRC's BRI home to new NSERC regional office

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council is opening its fourth regional office in Montreal early next year. Co-located at the National Research Council's Biotechnology Research Institute, the NSERC-Quebec Office is mandated to expand and strengthen NSERC's presence in the region and enhance program accessibility. NSERC has already opened offices in Moncton NB, Winnipeg and Vancouver. The fifth and final NSERC regional office is slated for Ontario. No decision has been announced on its location....

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