BF Goodrich receives TPC funding to participate in US/Canada R&D project

Guest Contributor
September 1, 2000

The BF Goodrich Landing Gear Division, Oakville ON, has received $1.56 million in financing from Technology Partnership Canada (TPC) in support of its participation in the US/Canada Hard Chrome Alternative Technologies (HCAT) project. The project is focused on the development of high velocity oxygen fuels (HVOF) as an alternative to hard chrome, due to environmental risks associated with the chrome plating process. For its part, BF Goodrich will test and evaluate the HVOF compound on commercial aircraft landing gear components and a full-scale landing gear system. The firm is a subsidiary of US-based BF Goodrich, which also owns Walbar Canada, Mississauga, and Menasco Aviation Service Ltd, Burlington ON. TPC is also investing an additional $2.56 million in two other firms participating in the HCAT project, although their names have not yet been announced....

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