Peter Josty
Peter Josty
RE$EARCH Money Inc.

Peter has been Executive Director of THECIS since 2001. THECIS is a not for profit research company that specializes in innovation research. THECIS carries out three main activities: research projects for clients relating to innovation; it organizes events such as breakfast meetings, workshops and InnoWest, the western Canadian innovation conference, to promote networking in the innovation community; and it educates graduate students in science, engineering in medicine about the fundamentals of innovation and the basics of starting a business.

Before this he had a diversified career in the chemical industry in Canada, holding positions as research chemist, market development specialist, technical manager, new products application manager, business development manager and head of strategy and planning. In these roles he was a practitioner of innovation and led numerous new product introductions to North American markets.

Peter has a PhD in chemistry from the University of London and an MBA from IMI [now IMD] in Geneva Switzerland.